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I played this quiz and got Starbucks as a result.
Try it for yourself and share if you get something different!
I, in all actuality, really do ✌️enjoy✌️ the Starbucks line of canned coffee energy drinks, however…
I kinda wish they would come out with a line of CCED ( Canned Coffee Energy Drinks), but with more emphasis on the actual COFFEE flavor (preferably DARK ROAST), but with just a hint of the already pre-existing flavors already available.
The only thing discouraging me regarding this proposal is that the CCEDs as they are right now and with their established recognition and availability, I’m not entirely confident that Starbucks would be willing to experiment with a bold endeavor such as this…
you are not cool for drinking half a cup of vanilla bean frappuccino
5 Votes in Poll
I was discussing hot chocolate with some friends and I brought up Starbucks's classic failure of a drinking chocolate, Chantico, and I was very surprised that the Starbucks Wikia does not have a page on Chantico. Now, I'm not the type to have ever made a page on a Wikia, so, I suggest someone else more experienced correct this at some point. It's quite sad that it is so forgotten that it doesn't even have a page on this wiki.
My mom got mad at me for throwing away an empty drink with ice… wth the ice isnt the drink now shes telling me to go work when i turn 16
7 Votes in Poll
My usual at starrybucks is a double chocolate chip frapwith a pump of peppermint! Y'all should really try it, it tastes like a peppermint patty in my opinion :D
Is this wiki still alive? I don't see much recent activity and I find it devastating
Any suggestions for non-caffeinated Starbucks drinks? I'm never gotten anything from Starbucks before except for hot chocolate. Thanks!
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Hi Starbucks fans!
I currently find myself no longer having time for this wiki, so I will be handing it off to a new admin.
Please comment below why you think you're qualified and I will consider everyone's application by April 5th.
Thank you!
Because I just noticed it. Look at this Wikia's activity, and see the energy drink pages and "Bathrooms" page(s).
It's an unknown contributor doing this. You can see his/her IP from his/her userpage.
I absolutely love this wikia…but where is the Starbucks food! I love their food, so could yoou add another category? I will contribute most if not all! Also you might want to make another category for pastries, that's your call though! Please consider this XD!